Can You Work in the Medical Field With a Felony?


The question of whether or not a felon can work in the medical field is tricky to answer.

The truth is that it depends heavily on the nature of the felony as well as the medical education and experience the person has. It also depends on what specific medical job the person with a felony is hoping to get.

In general, if someone has a violent or drug-related felony, it’s going to be difficult to work in the medical profession handling medications or working with patients.

However, if the felony is nonviolent and non-drug-related, the right combination of education, volunteer experience, and distance from that felony could be acceptable in certain medical jobs.

Can a Felon Become a Medical Assistant?

Medical assistants are the first line of medical contact that patients cross when they come to see the doctor.

They generally gather vital statistics (like weight, height, temperature, and blood pressure), and ask about the nature of the visit so the doctor has some information to work with.

If a person has a violent or drug-related felony in their past, it may be difficult to secure this position. The concern that most clinics would have is liability should the individual become violent with a patient or steal medications they have access to.

Can a Felon Become a Nurse or a Doctor?

Both nurses and doctors spend even more time with patients and have more access to medication than a medical assistant. Thus, people with drug-related felonies will likely struggle to enter the field at this level unless they have a history of working as a nurse or a doctor and agree to follow strict regulations regarding substance use and exposure.

For example, drug tests and total abstinence may be required.

Those with violent felonies in their pasts, even with extensive experience and education as a nurse or a doctor, will likely find it difficult to gain employment.

Florida Healthcare Law Firm

If you are attempting to regain employment in the medical profession after a felony, you may have legal recourse depending on the nature of the job you seek and the felony on record. Contact us at Florida Healthcare Law Firm today to find out more.

Stark Law waived to facilitate COVID related medical services

stark law waiver

stark law waiverBy: Jeff Cohen

The Secretary of Health and Human Services issued blanket waiver of the Stark Law on March 30th in order to facilitate COVID related medical services.  The waivers apply only to financial relationships and referrals related to COVID.  The circumstances and conditions under which the waivers apply are strictly and narrowly described.  Moreover, the waivers have no impact in the presence of fraud or abuse.  With respect to physicians wanting to provide designated health services (e.g. clinical lab services) related to COVID detection and treatment, for instance–

  1. the federal requirement that the DHS be provided in the same building as the physician office is waived; and
  2. the financial relationship limitations between the physician (or family member) and the DHS provider is waived.

The waiver also contains specific examples of waived interactions between providers and hospitals, including—Continue reading